A new advisory group has been launched to help shape the future development of the tech sector in the South West of England. The group, facilitated by Tech South West, will consist of 15 senior representatives from business and academia, who will work together to advance the strategic direction of the technology sector in the region.
The tech sector in the South West of England is a major contributor to the region’s social and economic prosperity. The sector has over 17,500 companies, creating over 100,000 jobs and numerous career opportunities. The sector is also a global leader in marine, environmental and climate tech, with major hubs in Bristol and elsewhere. The sector attracts investment from across the UK and overseas, and collaborates with leading universities, research and tech centres, business accelerators and more.
The Tech South West awards in Bristol
Advisory Group to Foster Sustainable Growth and Innovation
The advisory group, established to foster sustainable growth, innovation and technological advancement, will consider how the region’s tech sector can be best supported, through developing a strategic and collaborative approach based on agreed priorities. The group will have a chair and vice-chair, and will cover the region incorporating Bath, Bristol, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. The group will receive administrative support from Tech South West.
Toby Parkins, chair of Tech South West, who also helped found Software Cornwall, Agile on the Beach festival and FibreHub Cornwall, said: “The tech sector benefits from a collaborative approach, which is why we believe an advisory group, packed with exceptional talent, people with experience across industry and academia, could really help us define future direction and to progress activity.”
Application Process to Join the Advisory Group is Now Open
The application process to join the South West of England Technology Sector Advisory Group is now open. The group is looking for individuals who have a passion for the tech sector, a strategic vision for its future, and a willingness to commit time and energy to the group’s work. The group is also keen to ensure diversity and inclusion, and to represent the different sub-sectors, geographies and stages of the tech sector in the region.
Dan Pritchard, founder of Tech South West, said: “The South West is already making a fundamental difference globally because of the science and technology that is developed here. But equally, we need a thriving ecosystem that supports early stage startups, engages with students, helps non-tech companies adapt and adopt relevant technologies, and is working at every level to tackle and solve real-world challenges. We need more diversity in the sector, more visibility of what it offers and the positive impacts it creates, and a clear direction for the next decade.”
The deadline for applications is March 31, 2024. Applicants can find more information and apply online at Tech South West.