Daughter Runs Her First Marathon in Honor of Her Mother’s Breast Cancer Battle

Berenice Alfaro achieved a remarkable feat last weekend, when she completed her first marathon in Los Angeles. But what made her accomplishment even more special was the motivation behind it: her mother’s breast cancer battle. Alfaro ran the 26.2 miles to honor her mother, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 and has been undergoing treatment ever since.

Alfaro’s mother, Maria, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2017, when Alfaro was a senior in high school. The news was devastating for Alfaro and her family, who had to cope with the uncertainty and fear of losing their beloved mother and wife. Maria underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, and faced many side effects and complications along the way.

Alfaro, who was also dealing with the stress of applying to college, decided to join a running club at her school to cope with her emotions and to support her mother. She discovered that running helped her clear her mind, release her anxiety, and feel stronger and happier. She also found a supportive community of runners, who encouraged her and inspired her.

A Mother’s Support and a Daughter’s Dedication

Alfaro continued running after graduating from high school and enrolling in college. She set a goal to run a marathon, and started training for it. She also joined a charity team called Team in Training, which raises funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, an organization that supports blood cancer research and patients. Alfaro dedicated her marathon to her mother, and raised over $2,000 for the cause.

Alfaro’s mother was always supportive of her daughter’s running, and cheered her on every step of the way. She even accompanied her to some of her training runs, riding a bike alongside her. She also attended her daughter’s races, wearing a pink shirt that said “I’m a survivor” and holding a sign that said “Go Berenice”.

A Mother’s Pride and a Daughter’s Achievement

Last weekend, Alfaro finally ran her first marathon, the Los Angeles Marathon, which was also the first major in-person marathon in the US since the COVID-19 pandemic. She finished the race in 5 hours and 18 minutes, and was greeted by her mother at the finish line. They hugged and cried, and celebrated their victory together.

Alfaro’s mother was proud of her daughter’s achievement, and said that she was an inspiration for her and for others. She said that she was grateful for her daughter’s love and support, and that she was hopeful for her future. She also said that she was optimistic about her own health, and that she was determined to beat cancer.

Alfaro’s daughter was thankful for her mother’s presence, and said that she was the reason for her running. She said that she wanted to honor her mother’s strength and courage, and to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and patients. She also said that she wanted to inspire others to pursue their goals and dreams, and to never give up.

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