Internet Outages Cost E-Businesses 30% Revenue, Urgent Infrastructure Upgrades Needed

Persistent internet outages and load-shedding in Pakistan have led to significant revenue losses for e-businesses, with some reporting up to a 30% decline in earnings. IT professionals are calling on the government to audit and upgrade the national internet infrastructure to mitigate these disruptions. The frequent outages have severely impacted e-commerce platforms, online banking, and other digital services, highlighting the urgent need for robust and reliable internet connectivity to support the growing digital economy.

The Economic Impact of Internet Outages

Internet outages have become a major challenge for e-businesses in Pakistan, causing substantial revenue losses. According to a study by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), digital platforms in Pakistan lost up to 25% of their revenue during major internet disruptions. The Pakistan Software Houses Association (P@SHA) reports that e-businesses have experienced revenue losses of up to 30% due to issues related to firewall installation and network instability.

Platforms like Daraz and foodpanda, which rely heavily on uninterrupted internet access to process orders and engage with customers, have been particularly affected. The banking sector has also faced significant challenges, with online bill payments and transactions delayed, eroding consumer trust. These disruptions have forced many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tech sector to scale back operations, stifling growth and innovation.

Calls for Infrastructure Upgrades

IT professionals and industry leaders are urging the government to take immediate action to upgrade Pakistan’s internet infrastructure. Dr. Noman Said, CEO of SI Global Solutions, emphasized the need for a comprehensive audit and enhancement of the national internet infrastructure. He highlighted the importance of increasing bandwidth capacity and implementing redundant data routes to mitigate disruptions caused by maintenance or faults.

Public-private partnerships are seen as a crucial element in deploying faster, more resilient networks. Policymakers are also being urged to enforce strict Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), ensuring minimum guaranteed speeds for businesses and penalizing non-compliance. Additionally, the cybersecurity policy regarding firewall installation should be revised to reduce unnecessary slowdowns while maintaining security.

The Broader Implications for Digital Economy

The frequent internet outages are undermining the advances made in Pakistan’s digital economy. The growth of digital platforms has democratized income generation, giving rise to a new class of digital entrepreneurs. Spending habits have evolved, with apps like foodpanda’s pandamart and HomeChefs making grocery shopping and meal ordering more convenient. Online shopping has become a daily activity for many, with platforms like Daraz allowing consumers to purchase everything from clothes to electronics from the comfort of their homes.

However, the persistent connectivity issues are creating an atmosphere of frustration and distrust among users. Wahaj Ahmed, a regular user of online services, expressed his frustration, stating that frequent internet outages have caused a myriad of connectivity problems. This sentiment is echoed by many others who rely on stable internet access for their daily activities. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure the continued growth and success of Pakistan’s digital economy.

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