After 16 years, the beloved Malaysian fantasy-comedy film “Duyung” is making a comeback with a sequel titled “Duyung Lagenda Aurora.” The original stars, including Saiful Apek, Maya Karin, Yasmin Hani, and Yassin Yahya, are set to reprise their iconic roles. Directed by Abdul Razak Mohaideen and produced by KRU Studios, the sequel promises to bring back the magic and charm that made the original film a hit. The announcement has generated significant excitement among fans and the film industry alike.
The Return of Beloved Characters
The sequel, “Duyung Lagenda Aurora,” will see the return of Saiful Apek as Jimmy, Maya Karin as Puteri, Yasmin Hani as Aspalela, and Yassin Yahya as Orix. These characters captured the hearts of audiences in the original film, which was released in 2008. The story revolved around Jimmy, a village outcast who befriends a mermaid named Puteri. Their friendship leads to a series of humorous and heartwarming events that captivated viewers.
The original film’s success was not just limited to Malaysia; it also garnered international attention. The sequel aims to build on this legacy, bringing back the beloved characters while introducing new elements to the story. Fans are eagerly anticipating the return of Jimmy and Puteri, and the dynamic between these characters is expected to be a highlight of the new film.
New Adventures and Challenges
“Duyung Lagenda Aurora” will introduce new adventures and challenges for the characters. The sequel will explore the lives of Jimmy and Puteri 16 years after the events of the original film. The story will delve into their personal growth, relationships, and the new obstacles they face. The addition of new characters, including a rising starlet Anna Jobling, who will play the daughter of Maya Karin’s character, adds a fresh dimension to the narrative.
Filming for the sequel is set to take place at 22 locations, including Langkawi, Putrajaya, and Lembah Klang. The diverse settings will provide a visually stunning backdrop for the film’s storyline. The production team is committed to maintaining the high standards set by the original film, ensuring that “Duyung Lagenda Aurora” will be a visual and emotional treat for audiences.
Behind the Scenes
The making of “Duyung Lagenda Aurora” has its own share of interesting behind-the-scenes stories. During the press conference, Saiful Apek shared a memorable incident from the original film’s shoot, where Maya Karin almost drowned while filming a scene. This incident highlights the dedication and challenges faced by the cast and crew in bringing the story to life.
Director Abdul Razak Mohaideen and KRU Studios have expressed their excitement about the sequel. They believe that the film will not only appeal to fans of the original but also attract a new generation of viewers. The production team is focused on delivering a film that honors the legacy of “Duyung” while offering something new and exciting.